Believer’s Baptism for Kids
Baptism is one of life’s great milestones. It is a public declaration by an individual who has accepted the sacrifice Jesus offered, by dying on the cross, as the payment for the penalty of their sins. Here at Faith, we have no age limit on baptism for children. When a child wants to be baptized we lean heavily on their parents to help us determine if a child is indeed ready to be baptized.
If your child has shown an interest in being baptized follow the steps below to help prepare them for their big day!
Step 1: Make sure your child believes and understands that Jesus died for their sins. Watch the video directly below with your children and review the questions on the Parent Guide pdf linked below.
Download Parent Guide
Step 2: Talk about what baptism is. The video below is a great resource to start a conversation about what baptism is.
Step 3: If you feel your child is ready to be baptized and have not yet registered, email Doug Gurgel ( for next steps. If you have already registered someone from the church office will be in touch to schedule your child’s video interview. Please think about who you would like to have baptize your child and let us know. Their small group leaders, their phase director or any pastoral staff are all great options. We typically recommend small group leaders as they know the children best, yet, the other options are great too.
Step 4: Help your child prepare to share their story. We record all testimonies and play them back at the baptism service. You can watch a few examples below. Help your kids be prepared to answer these questions:
What is your name and age/where do you go to school?
When did you first put your faith in Christ?
Why do you want to be baptized?
Tell me more about why you love Jesus?
What is your favorite thing about church?
What is your favorite Bible story?
Can you tell me your favorite Bible verse?
Who would you like to thank for helping you follow God?
Step 5: Plan to attend the baptism celebration and invite as many family and friends as you can!