Local Outreach 

At Faith we encourage everyone to serve others and share what they know about Jesus with others in the course of their everyday lives. Whether that means volunteering at one of Manhattan’s many service organizations, serving in a church-based outreach ministry, or being a really loving neighbor and caring for your community, it is our hope and prayer that God shows each and every one of us how He has given us unique opportunities to shine as lights for His glory no matter where we live. 

Are you looking for somewhere to serve? Check our list of ministries and local partnerships: Common Table, Be Able, Shepherd’s Crossing, Bridge of Hope Community Church.

Global Outreach 

We feel especially called to share the Gospel with people and in places where Christ’s redemptive promise has yet to be proclaimed, among people who remain unengaged with the Gospel’s transformative power, and in areas of the world where the marginalized and overlooked can be lifted up by the eternal hope of Jesus’ love, mercy, and grace.

As a church we have sent and supported dozens of missionaries to countries in the Caribbean, Central Africa, Central Europe, South Asia, and Indonesia. These missionaries engage in church planting, community development, creation care, campus ministry, and sharing the Gospel by sharing their own lives with people in their communities. We believe God has a plan to reach every tribe, tongue, and nation with the Good News of salvation and we are excited to take part in His redemptive mission!