Child Dedication and Infant Baptism Homework — Faith Manhattan Church

Child Dedication and Infant Baptism Homework

Our at home assignments are a critical piece of the Child Dedication or Infant Baptism process here at Faith. We encourage parents to fully complete the work below for every child, even if you have been through the process before. If you are married, find a time to do the assignments with your spouse. Completing them over a cup of coffee or dessert could give you the chance to really share your thoughts about the journey ahead of you. If you are a single parent, consider working through the assignments with a close friend or an adult who will play a significant role in your child's life.

1.) Imagine the End

Assignment: Watch the talk Imagine the End. Complete the associated homework task.

Homework Task: Write down some characteristics about the person you hope your child will become. This could be in list form, a letter to your child or any other format you think is helpful. You will share this during the dedication/baptism service.

2.) Consider Your Circle

Assignment: Watch the talk Consider Your Circle.

Homework Task: Write down some things you'd like to do to ensure you and your child have a great circle of influence around you. You might consider things like joining a life group or having other families over for meals or playdates.

Congratulations on completing the required at home assignments!

Next Child Dedication and Infant Baptism Service


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