Faith’s Mission: To make disciples of Jesus who love God, one another, and our neighbors.
Faith’s Core Values
Biblical truth. We recognize Scripture as our authority for salvation and life. We seek to be formed by the Scriptures both corporately and individually.
Authentic community. God created us to live in community with one another. We seek to cultivate deep spiritual friendships and other healthy relationships of accountability, belonging, and care.
A lifestyle of worship. We have been created to worship God, who is preeminently worthy. We declare God’s worth through corporate worship and a comprehensive lifestyle of worship.
Spiritual transformation. The Holy Spirit progressively transforms us into the image of Jesus Christ. We participate in this transformation through corporate and individual spiritual disciplines. This transformation is characterized by deepening intimacy with God and increasing love for others.
People without Christ – People without Christ matter to God so they also matter to us. We seek to enter into the culture of those without Christ in relevant ways both here in Manhattan and around the world. We seek to reach out to such people through servant hood and honest friendships, sharing Christ through our words and our actions.
Every-member ministry – Each believer has a unique role in the body of Christ. We seek to discover our spiritual gift(s) so that we might serve with passion, creativity, and wisdom. This is essential for the health of the body and for the extension of the kingdom.
Christian freedom and grace – We believe that people grow and serve best in an environment of freedom and grace. We will not limit a person’s freedom unless we have a good, biblical reason to do so. We will maintain an atmosphere, which respects differing convictions arising from this approach.
Prayer – We are absolutely dependent upon God both as individuals and as a church. We will demonstrate this dependence through prayer, asking God for His provision, guidance, and empowering in every area of our lives and ministry.
Intentional Generosity - Since God is generous we seek to live out intentional generosity as a way of life. We experience deep joy when we choose to be generous with our material and spiritual resources.