Communication Guide
We will do our best to accommodate requests but cannot guarantee they’ll be granted.
Event host speaks for 4 minutes or less at the beginning of church services. This is for primary ministries only.
Communication Leader: Logan Lindahl (
Request Lead Time: 10 Weeks
Expected Response Time: 2 Weeks
church life
Host for church services promotes this before service begins in a series of announcements.
Communication Leader: Logan Lindahl (
Request Lead Time: 8 Weeks
Expected Response Time: 1 Week
faith weekly
Faith’s weekly newsletter delivered via email on Tuesdays.
Communication Leader: Faryn Schulte (
Request Lead Time: 5 Weeks
Expected Response Time: 5 Days
social media
A post on Faith’s Instagram and Facebook page.
Communication Leader: Faryn Schulte (
Request Lead Time: 3 Weeks
Expected Response Time: 3 Days
A short 1-2 sentences in the “Coming Up At Faith” or “Did You Know” sections of the Sunday morning bulletin.
Communication Leader: Faryn Schulte (
Request Lead Time: 2 Weeks
Expected Response Time: 5 Days
Church Center App
This promotion would appear in the events section of The Church Center app (Faith’s official communication app).
Communication Leader: Faryn Schulte (
Request Lead Time: 2 Weeks
Expected Response Time: 3 Days
One page, or half page event flyers for placing around the church.
Communication Leader: Faryn Schulte (
Request Lead Time: 3 Weeks
Expected Response Time: 3 Days
Table in main foyer
A table (4ft or 6ft) in the main foyer of the church.
Communication Leader: Brian Anderson (
Request Lead Time: 2 Weeks
Expected Response Time: 3 Days
Miscellaneous Event Request
This would include church wide events like SoJourney, Summer Reading Program decor, celebrations, Ladies Worship Nights, etc… that include Faith facility use.
Communication Leader: Brian Anderson (
Request Lead Time: 3 Months
Expected Response Time: 3 Weeks